The Need -- and How We Help

Global poverty affects millions
More than 600 million people around the world lived on less than $2.15 a day in 2022
One in five young children in low-income countries don't attend school
The early-childhood death rate in poor countries is nearly 10 times that of wealthy countries
Inadequate nutrition stunts the growth of more than 100 million children in Africa and Asia​
Gaps persist in the global development system
International organizations invest billions of dollars to reduce poverty and mitigate its effects -- Yet, vast needs remain
Grassroots groups offer solutions to local needs -- But often lack resources and visibility to tap sources of support
Development institutions seek to increase funding for local organizations -- Find it difficult to reach smaller groups
Individuals everywhere are prepared to engage on global challenges -- But lack an obvious entry point
Acting Globally addresses gaps. Reduces barriers to entry
We support early-stage groups that development institutions may struggle to reach
Build on the strengths of grassroots groups -- Assist them to grow their impact
Help global aid agencies meet their "localization" targets
Allow globally-minded people to impact world needs -- Contributing directly, gaining knowledge of global challenges